Friday, February 11, 2011

Just Another Manic... Sunday

I love running around like a maniac.  It's one of the things I do best.  Sunday was no exception.  Far be it from me to set myself up for a nice, relaxing day.  Nope!  I had bigger fish to fry.  My day started at 4:45 AM, when I woke up purely by chance.  I'd set my alarm to go off at 4:15 AM... this must have happened, because when I did wake at 4:45, my phone was on my bed beside me and it had started out the evening on my night table - but I don't remember this.  I digress.  Day started at 4:45 AM with a mad rush out the door to make it to the barn by 5:30-ish.  Jen, my honorary big sister, was taking Star and her horse, Tiki, on a grand adventure to an IEA show that had not originally been on their agendas, and I had said I would meet her at the barn to help get ready and load.  I have this compelling, uh, compellment (yes, I just made that up) to be the person readying and caring for my horse, even if I'm doing someone else a favor in letting them use her.  This means I sometimes don't get as much sleep as I technically could.
We loaded the horses with no problem into Jen's beautiful new trailer and were off by a bit after 6:00.  (This is really pretty good for us!)  We arrived at the show grounds, unloaded horses, and readied them for schooling. 
For some reason, I had decided that I would school Star, even though lately I've not been jumping her over anything under 2'9" myself in order to keep a better eye for bigger fences.  A bit to my dismay, I found that Star was being used as a 2' horse, and not 2'6."  As we were waiting for them to call the 2' horses for warm-up, I was approached by someone else to warm up a flat-only horse.  Sure, why not?  Flatted that horse, then warmed up Star.  She was pretty good, but I am realizing more and more that I am NOT the best person to ride Star for any hunter-esque purposes.  Twice around the course and once again over a turn, and she was good to go.  After schooling Star, I warmed up the other pony brought by Jen's team over the crossrails course.  She was a good girl - not nearly as lazy as I had expected based on what I was told prior to the ride.  Three horses before 10AM - not bad!  Chatted with the girls a bit, then jetted off - of course, I had somewhere else to be!
After a quick shower, I drove *back* to the barn for a lesson on Kellie, my friend's young SWB mare, with Susan, the dressage trainer across the street.  We worked on convincing Kellie that bending, working over her back, and giving to the bit were good things.  After a bit of time, she started to get it.  Quickly untacked Kellie and turned her back out and a mad rush for the next point of interest - a haircut.
Haircut was no big deal - actually made it on time - and decided that since I was remotely in the area, I would stop by Dover.  I need some new breeches, so I decided to try on a few pairs.  A pair of fleece-lined Kerrits, a couple pairs of Riding Sport with a Euro seat, and a pair of Tailored Sportsman Trophy Hunters later, I thought I was done trying stuff on.  However, a friend of mine who also happened to be there convinced me to try on the Goode Rider Jean Riders... damn her!  Breeches are not particularly flattering apparel for anyone, but damn!  These actually looked nice!  So now I have to hate my friend a little bit, because it's going to be a while before I can afford these amazing pants.
So four horses, a haircut, and seven pairs of breeches later, I could finally go home and get some rest.
No wonder my weekends are never long enough!

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